
The Legacy of Steven Heller

I recently stumbled upon a website for Steven Heller’s Masters Series, and I find myself somewhat smitten with the man. How can he have written so many valuable books for both design literate and illiterate people?

Honestly, if you told me he wasn't human I doubt I’d be surprised. With over 100 books published in his name, he almost seems a fantasy figure, immune to human weakness and infinitely knowledgeable in the ways of design.

I’m sure a number of you have seen my Stylepedia, which I have been raving about ever since I bought it at swipe. But for those who haven't seen it, it’s an encyclopedia edited by Steven Heller that serves as an invaluable resource in creating authentic designs.The stylepedia has cross referenced topics all sorted alphabetically which makes the book so easy to navigate, you can find out anything you need to now about different periods and styles of design in mere minutes.

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