
Advertising and Design: Driving Sales or Experience?

Not only is Graphic Design and Advertising moving towards providing an experience for the consumer, one design firm, Blast Radius specializes in what they call EXD or experience design.

I recently visited Blast Radius during this year's Emerging Designer's Conference, and while they have appropriated the acronym EXD to represent their process(which is almost entirely web-related) I think that it is indicative of the environment which we are training to participate within.

Modern businesses are built on cohesive brands that consumers can identify with. Thus developing products and services that play into an overriding user 'experience' is part of almost any modern business model. When we create an identity for a company or brand a product, this is ultimately what we are establishing.

At blast radius and throughout all of the tours at headstart, the common theme was to look at the end user, and reverse engineer the ideal user experience to ensure that people will respond to the media they are presented.

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